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Captain’s blog – stardate now

Begin blog.

Well, I decided to start this blog as an outlet for commentary and discussion on politics, as I see them, and whatever else I feel like talking about.  I consider myself a liberty-loving anti-libertarian, and a Godless liberal.  I don’t mean that as a slight against libertarians in the least, I just want people who land here to know what to expect.  And I think that too often, liberals fail to take the time to explain why they want to do things a certain way.  Since many of my closest friends are libertarians or conservatives with a libertarians streak, I figured that I might be able to start some interesting discussions.  I once called myself a Libertarian, and have voted for several of their candidates for office.  However, I feel that libertarianism in the United States has become tainted with many incorrect assumptions, ideological beliefs contrary to fact, and an extreme impracticality, and as I blog, I hope that I can spark conversation about what it really means to value and promote liberty.

Libertarianism is largely self-described as a focus on personal responsibility.  Many libertarians, it seems, believe that all of your problems are your own fault (except, of course, for those that the government creates), and they assume that anyone who doesn’t believe that subscribes to the idea that all your problems are someone else’s fault.  I think a more reasonable and balanced approach would assert that many of our problems are of our own making, but that there are also times when the actions of others can cause problem which the individual could have done little to avoid.  So I endeavor to be radically moderate on the question of personal responsibility, and demand a justification for any blame-placing, whether it lands on the heads of the complainant or someone else.  And I’m going to challenge the assumption that so many people seem to make that the government is always the problem.

And now, I’m going to try to ignore the feeling that I’m just talking to myself, and post what I have.